? ??????????????Bass Drop? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.5 (4 Ratings)??4 Grabs Today. 868 Total Grabs. ??????
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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sandblasted at the Beach and Ainsley's First Freckle

In a fit of genius today, we decided to load Ainsley up in her beach stroller and walk to the beach. Might have been a great idea had it not been so windy. When there are gale force winds inland, you can bet it's WINDY at the beach. Did we think of this? HECK NO! Never once crossed our minds.

Before I go into detail about how our beach visit was, let me first let me tell you about what happened while we were getting dressed for the beach.

We got Ainsley all decked out in her little swim diaper and bikini top, put her beach cover-up on and snapped her little sun hat on her head. She was looking so stinkin' cute. Bopping around with her little ruffle butt. I go into the kitchen to get her some liquids to take with us to the beach. She is following me around, whining. So I picked her up and immediately knew that something was off......she had POOPED IN HER SWIM DIAPER!!!!!

Seeing as how the diaper fits her well, I was very confused as to how I was going to pull this off, getting her diaper off without smearing the poop all over her and the diaper even more so than it was already. Well, with some very tricky moves on my part, I was able to get the diaper off her and contain the poop. I was also able to rinse the diaper out and make it good as new so that she could put it back on and still go to the beach. GO MOMMY!

So, fast forward to the beach.

We manage to get the stroller through the dry sand, which is a very difficult thing to do. It's just a regular stroller, not some fancy off-road model. It's pretty windy there on the beach and the wind is whipping the sand at us like we are being sandblasted. HURT LIKE ANYTHING. Ainsley decides that she wants to walk around when the wind is blowing slightly less and not whipping sand at her. As soon as the sand starts blowing again, she wants to be picked up. I can't say that I blame her really, that stuff hurt. We walked down to the water and put our feet in, only to immediately pull back frozen blocks of ice. That water was FREEZING.

One of Ainsley's favorite things to do at the beach is to dig in the sand. Only she bends over at the waist and digs with her hands, like a dog. She'll dig for a minute, then walk on. She also likes to find shells and use them as digging tools.

She pointed at the seagulls and sandpipers and said, "Duck!" Then she walked back over to her stroller and started buckling the seat belt, so we loaded her back in and went home. We had spent about half an hour out there in the sandblasting conditions, so we were not only ready to go home, but we were also exfoliated from the knees down.

Earlier in the day, when we were getting her dressed in her swim diaper, we noticed that she had her very first FRECKLE! It's so cute. It's kind of on her left side, where her elbow hits her side when she walks. We checked her over, but that was the only freckle that we found.