? ??????????????Bass Drop? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.5 (4 Ratings)??4 Grabs Today. 868 Total Grabs. ??????
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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The 2nd Disability Doctor's Appointment and Practice on the Potty

My mom had her mental exam today for the Disability appeal process. Everything went smoothly this time around. No nasty nurses or anything. I was even more prepared today though, I had the diaper bag crammed full of My Little Ponies, Little People, Disney Princesses, and Care Bears, along with snacks and milk. Just in case it took 2 or more hours like the last appointment.

The waiting room at this office was TINY. There was a small couch and a chair, along with a magazine rack full of kids books and crayons. Ainsley loved the crayons, even if they didn't color right. They were the cheap-o kind that look like they are made of hard plastic. She just wanted to swirl them around in the plastic storage bin that they were in. The doctor also had a big wicker box in the corner, full of toys. Ainsley pulled out a 12 inch tall Gumby doll, got this odd look on her face, and threw the doll across the room. Then she ran it over with an Army truck. She's definitley my girl with her intense dislike of Gumby.

Ainsley did learn today that Mommy really DOES know what she is talking about sometimes when I tell her not to do something or she is going to get hurt. She kept opening and closing the door in the lobby of the doctor's office. I told her to stop or she was going to pinch her fingers. Guess what happened? She didn't stop and she pinched her finger. She SCREAMED unlike anything I have ever heard come out of her before, but she was fine after a few minutes.

Ainsley's favorite new thing to do is to follow you to the bathroom. She will raise the seat on her little potty chair, sit down and say, "I go pee pee!". She then will take 2 squares of toilet paper and "wipe" her diaper and say, "Ewwww!" She hasn't really figured out yet that the toilet paper then goes in the potty, not handed to Mommy, but she is going through the motins every time someone goes to the bathroom. She will soon be ready to really go pee pee in her potty every time, which will be a very WONDERFUL thing.